Who What
smith_corp radiators
jones_inc spark_plugs
morgan_bros radiators
jones_inc batteries
smith_corp tyres
morgan_bros pumps
Questions about this relation can be phrased in DBQ by using the predicate supplies. We will use the first (arg0) argument position associated with supplies to indicate the supplying firm and the second (arg1) position to indicate the type of part. Then, the following are possible DBQ formulae involving this relation:
(supplies _x radiators)
(supplies _x _y)The result of evaluating the first of these formulae will be the set of possible values for _x which would result in the formula matching something in the database. So what we get is:
(((_x smith_corp))
((_x morgan_bros)))The result of evaluating the second of the formulae will be the set of pairs of values for _x and _y that result in the formula matching something in the database.
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